11.22.08 .. to sister tracy ..
I'm in a State of Prayer-Equivalent that this goes from strong rumor to true re Hillary as SoS. She & Barack are clearly soul-mates. Some folks I've mentioned this to assume I mean something sexual, but of course I don't. I mean deeply grokking friends. They are both practical visionaries. Fruition is the name of their game. So many folks have the Clintons 100% wrong. They are always about the future and always about making it better for folks with less.
I am utterly even to the point of otterly impressed that Barack has so large and un-egoed a vision that he sees that her star power will instantly say to VuravuraJeegoo(the Rest of the World that doesn't call the Planet [Plan-ay, rhyming with bluejay], Earth) that constructive cooperative visionary practical America is backback.
Hillary is a Scorpio. If she dedicates to, say, make 80 speeches for Barack between the convention & Nov 4, she'll make 'em clear and compelling. No one can focus or be more loyal than a Scorpio. They can have such inner strength that they could care less who gets the credit.
I am Over the Moon with hope that this transpires -- so I can finally sleep more than 4 hours a night also too in addition to the Jeegoo having a mighty and tireless advocate with & to Prez Barack.
email soshillary@gmail.com
I'm in a State of Prayer-Equivalent that this goes from strong rumor to true re Hillary as SoS. She & Barack are clearly soul-mates. Some folks I've mentioned this to assume I mean something sexual, but of course I don't. I mean deeply grokking friends. They are both practical visionaries. Fruition is the name of their game. So many folks have the Clintons 100% wrong. They are always about the future and always about making it better for folks with less.
I am utterly even to the point of otterly impressed that Barack has so large and un-egoed a vision that he sees that her star power will instantly say to VuravuraJeegoo(the Rest of the World that doesn't call the Planet [Plan-ay, rhyming with bluejay], Earth) that constructive cooperative visionary practical America is backback.
Hillary is a Scorpio. If she dedicates to, say, make 80 speeches for Barack between the convention & Nov 4, she'll make 'em clear and compelling. No one can focus or be more loyal than a Scorpio. They can have such inner strength that they could care less who gets the credit.
I am Over the Moon with hope that this transpires -- so I can finally sleep more than 4 hours a night also too in addition to the Jeegoo having a mighty and tireless advocate with & to Prez Barack.
email soshillary@gmail.com