This was my first note on DipNote, the State Department blog.
Both of SoS Hillary's speeches were so compelling & concise. Both SoS Hillary & Prez O are practical visionaries. Fruition is the name of their game. They are always about the future and always about making it better for folks with less.
I'm excited to learn more about the World as Prez Obama, Hillary, & we grapple joyously with the kinder, smarter future.
I am utterly impressed that Prez O has so large and un-egoed a vision that he sees that SoS Hillary's star power will instantly say to VuravuraJeegoo(the Rest of the World that doesn't call the Planet, Earth) that constructive collaborative visionary practical America is back. She will be a mighty and tireless advocate with Prez O for us. Go State.
check out these excellent first two speeches:
Hillary's first Speech at State (video)
Hillary's speech at USAID (text)